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The following papers provide further information and learning for practitioners.


Evaluating the evidence on the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on biological stress markers.

Evaluating the evidence on the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on biological stress markers.
Stress is a crucial evolutionary survival response to threat which produces a cascade of signalling within the brain and body to allow us to flight from or fight the threat. The hormones, cytokines and neurotransmitters released are of protective benefit under acute conditions, however, this response is toxic when cumulative, if not switched off, becoming chronic. Chronic stress and its subsequent and persistent impact on the body is linked with a multitude of (and often times, a combination of) physical, mental and emotional issues including cancer, chronic pain, inflammatory disorders, depression, anxiety disorders, and impaired cognitive functioning. Regardless of how chronic stress manifests in an individual, the impact on quality of life and life span can be significant, therefore measures to attenuate the perception of stress and one’s stress response is paramount in improving outcomes.